Neighbors are getting out again
Well, there seems to be a bit more socializing going on, as local residents find ways to deal with the latest phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not surprisingly, most of the gatherings are outdoors (or masked, indoors). A case in point was a wonderful (and naturally, pandemic-belated) birthday tribute to Windsor Square resident Mary Nichols, […]

Police storm Larchmont area pot shop, close street
Guns drawn, police surrounded a local cannabis business Feb. 23 around 4 p.m. demanding that the inhabitants “come out with your hands up” while at least seven parked police cars shut down traffic on Melrose Avenue. When patrons and employees failed to heed police demands, officers stormed “Melrose Place 25 Cap,” located at 5635 Melrose […]

New leadership at Wilshire Division police station
There’s a new commanding officer at the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) Wilshire Division station. Capt. Timothy Nordquist — who succeeded Capt. Anthony Oddo in May — brings with him nearly three decades of experience in public service. Last month, Nordquist invited the Chronicle to the Wilshire station to chat about crime in the community. […]

Worried about crime? Consider private patrol
Property crime is on the rise, and homeowners are understandably alarmed. Reports of burglaries in otherwise quiet communities seem to come out on a daily basis. Figures indicate that, in the past two years, burglaries are up between six and 12 percent in the Chronicle’s distribution area alone. (Read more about criminal activity in Greater […]

Resident association meetings discuss crime increase
Recent increases in criminal activity have alarmed residents, especially in single-family neighborhoods, where reports show an uptick in crime. As noted in this newspaper last month, the increases, primarily in property crimes and robberies, also have led the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to reallocate about 300 officers, beginning in January, to patrol duty across […]

31-year career officer is new head of Wilshire Police Division
Wilshire Division Capt. Anthony Oddo is impressed with the mostly positive attitude he has found among the officers of the LAPD Wilshire Division and the residents who live here. “I love it,” he said in his new office and command center on Venice Blvd. Capt. Oddo comes to Wilshire from a command post at the […]