Tag: LAPD Wilshire Division
YMCA Summer Soirée honored local leaders
On Fri., Aug. 23, the Anderson Munger Family YMCA’s Summer Soirée dinner and fundraiser marked the tenth anniversary of the “Y” facility at Third Street and Oxford Avenue. More than 200 guests answered the call to show up and honor the first decade of the “Y’s” work at this impactful Koreatown location. The rooftop sports […]
Alarmed by crime spike, local residents take action
A number of recent high-profile crimes in Greater Wilshire have left local residents feeling alarmed. The Hancock Park Homeowners Association (HPHA) hosted a virtual “Security Town Hall” Dec. 6 to discuss the recent crime and security issues. In November, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Wilshire Division responded to three street robberies and one attempted car-jacking […]
Happy 100th, Larchmont Boulevard!
Community leaders, local merchants, landlords and shoppers celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the original Larchmont Boulevard shopping district on Sunday, October 24 — in person and through television. A wide array of TV station news crews and other local media descended upon the boulevard, some as early as 5 a.m. (ABC-TV’s weekend […]
New leadership at Wilshire Division police station
There’s a new commanding officer at the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) Wilshire Division station. Capt. Timothy Nordquist — who succeeded Capt. Anthony Oddo in May — brings with him nearly three decades of experience in public service. Last month, Nordquist invited the Chronicle to the Wilshire station to chat about crime in the community. […]
Police, neighbors come together for National Night Out
Residents turned out to L.A. High School on Aug. 4 for a community block party hosted by Wilshire Police. The annual event is an effort to connect neighbors and emergency workers in a friendly atmosphere. Attendees were welcomed with refreshments, including lemonade and iced coffee, and encouraged to check out vintage police cars on display. […]
Wilshire Police push social media effort at Roundtable
Business and community leaders met with Wilshire police and staff at the American Girl store at The Grove for the Captain’s Roundtable. Capt. Howard Leslie, Wilshire commanding officer, praised the work of local officers before discussing the division’s new social media platform. Leslie told the audience he believes social media can be used as a […]