Residents debate ‘copter noise, laud complaint system

| April 29, 2015 | 0 Comments
SOME NEIGHBORS say they feel safe by the noise.

SOME NEIGHBORS say they feel safe by the noise.

Residents are pleased to learn their complaints about helicopter noise will be addressed through the new Automated Complaint System (ACS).

The ACS—which began operations on March 31—collects information to help identify patterns and trends in helicopter operations, and determine community reaction. Officials say the information gained will assist the development of noise abatement measures in the future.

“The birds are out for sure as spring has arrived,” said a Windsor Square resident, referring to the number of helicopters over his neighborhood. He posted his thoughts on the social networking site, Nextdoor.

Others quickly joined the conversation: “What’s next, no sirens or police dogs that bark? With all due respect, I am sure the LAPD helicopters are not on a sightseeing tour,” replied a Wilton Pl. resident. Other neighbors agreed the noise made them feel safe: “It’s our taxes at work for the neighborhood,” wrote one resident from Hancock Park on the online chat site.

The new complaint system is a product of the Los Angeles Helicopter Noise Initiative, a group of local stakeholders who are trying to reduce noise on a voluntary basis by assessing aircraft routes and determining trouble spots. It was designed as a research tool and will not result in citation or penalties for pilots, but will be helpful in identifying the worst noise polluters, the group says.

To report a disturbance visit or call 424-348-4354.

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