Register by March 9 to vote by mail for GWNC directors
Registration for the March 2021 Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) election has begun. Apply online at:
You must set up an account to sign in and then complete your application to have your ballot mailed to you. “By mail” is the only way to vote (although you may drop your completed ballot in the ballot drop box in front of the John C. Fremont Library, 6121 Melrose Ave., between 9 a.m. on Fri., March 12 and 8 p.m. on Tues., March 16. Ballots postmarked by March 16 also will be counted.
This hyper-local election is entirely independent of Los Angeles County voter registration. Even if you have been registered to vote in Los Angeles all of your life, you will not be registered to vote in this important Neighborhood Council election unless you do so now.
March 9
The absolute deadline to register and request a ballot is Tues., March 9. GWNC leaders have been relating horror stories of the challenges potential voters are encountering in obtaining their proper two ballots. Yes, if you live, work or own property in Greater Wilshire you get to vote in two categories: your geographic area and one special interest category. Otherwise, if you are a stakeholder because of your involvement in one of the special interest categories (other than renter, where you obviously live in the area) you only get one ballot. The special interest categories, in addition to Renter, are Business, Education, Religion, Other Nonprofit, and “At Large” (if you are a stakeholder with no other specific connection to the area).
Application instructions
The City Clerk’s Office (manager of this election) has multiple fact sheets and information pages on its website, such as: Also, GWNC has prepared a helpful four-minute YouTube video: .
Candidate statements
Some of the 44 volunteer neighbors who have stepped upcto be candidates have posted candidate statements at — where you must select “Greater Wilshire” on the pull-down menu.
As noted, neighbors are encountering challenges in using the City’s system, so do not be unduly alarmed if you also have problems. For help, please contact GWNC elections chair Brian Curran via e-mail ( or try the City Clerk’s office at 213-978-0444 (and ask for helpful vote-be-mail staff members Michael Lektorich or Lanee Basulto).
Category: News