Public hearing on CBS expansion — TVC 2050 — set for Sept. 12
The City Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Thurs., Sept. 12, concerning the proposed TVC 2050 expansion and modernization project of the former CBS Television City.

HACKMAN CAPITAL PARTNERS seeks 1.9 million square feet of development rights at the corner of Beverly Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue. Imagery ©2024 Google, Imagery ©2024 CNES /Airbus, Maxar Technologies, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA/FPAC/GEO, Map data ©2024 Google
The hearing on plans for the 25-acre site at Beverly Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue will be a hybrid — held in-person at Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., and on Zoom.
This hearing follows a lengthy first public hearing that took place on Zoom May 15, where 185 people spoke on the 1.9-million-square-foot project of Hackman Capital Partners, owner of the site.
If approved, the $1.25-billion TVC 2050 project would become a Specific Plan that would permit up to a maximum of 1,724,000 square feet of sound stage, production support, production office, general office and retail uses and would include 1.5 million square feet of new development on the site.
Parking, landscaping, open space and a sign district would be established as part of the expansion project.
In addition, the building’s red painted canopy with “Television City” lettering on the facade along Beverly Boulevard, which is designated a Los Angeles historic-cultural monument, will be preserved.
The Commission also is expected to consider several appeals filed by local community and business groups at the hearing.

OWNER HACKMAN CAPITAL PARTNERS says sound stages will be modernized in the proposal, as shown in this rendering at
Appeals filed
Concerns have been expressed about the project’s size, density, traffic impacts and more, especially the 550,000 square feet of new office space proposed for general (non-studio) tenants.
The nine appellants include the Miracle Mile Residential Association, Neighbors for Responsible TVC Development, A.F. Gilmore Co. (owners of the Original Farmers Market) and others.
In connection with requested subdivisions of the property, the city Deputy Advisory Agency certified the environmental impact report in May.
The Planning Commission continues to accept written comments that can be submitted to; write “TVC 2050” in the subject line and copy and
The Commission also may take public comments at the Sept. 12 hearing.
Following the hearing, the Commission will make a recommendation and forward it to the Los Angeles City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee for consideration, followed by full City Council review.
Check the meeting agenda 72 hours before the meeting and get Zoom instructions at
Category: Real Estate