PONY League sign-ups are through Feb. 1

WILSHIRE WARRIORS, pictured above following their play-off victory over the New Hampshire Diamond Dawgs, are now part of the PONY League.
Boys and girls can register online at wilshiresports.com through Feb. 1 for the 2013 spring season of the Wilshire-Warriors PONY Baseball League. The recreational youth league was recently formed from the merging of the Wilshire Sports Association and the Wilshire Warriors.
The league accommodates players ages five through 12, said commissioner Lisi Delano-Stanley.
The Bronco League is for boys 11 and 12 years old; Mustang League is made up of nine and 10-year-olds. Boys ages seven and eight will play in the Pinto League, while six-year-olds will play in the Shetland Machine/Coach Pitch League. Boys and girls age five will make up the Shetland Tee-Ball League.
Register early
Early registration ends Dec. 31; league registration will end on Feb. 1. Limited spaces are available. Practices and games are held at Pan Pacific Park and John Burroughs Middle School.
For more information, visit WilshireWarriors.com, or email league commissioners Lisi Delano-Stanley and Sam Khare WilshireWarriorsCommissioner@gmail.com.
Category: sports