Nine O’Clock Players bring ‘Alice!’ to Assistance League stage

| October 24, 2024 | 0 Comments

CAST MEMBERS Kate Brennan (the Cheshire Cat), Sabrina Robin (Alice) and Leslie Kenyon (the Mad Hatter) on stage.

Join Alice as she adventures in Wonderland this November onstage at the Assistance League Theater. The Nine O’Clock Players will use their wit and talent to bring this whimsical story to life while putting

their own spin on the classic tale.

Former Disney Imagineer Chris Runco, who designed the sets for the Nine O’Clock Players’ production of “Cinderella,” has again donated his time and elevated this show’s production values with his creativity and skills.

“I feel like a kid in a candy store,” said Runco of the opportunity to work with the Nine O’Clock Players. Runco has found the group’s prop and set shops to be full of “great old things we can re-paint and re-purpose.” He has also been impressed with the theatrical technology the Assistance League Theater possesses.

A YOUNG AUDIENCE awaits showtime at the Assistance League Theater.

During his time at Disney, Runco told us he learned to start each project with three things: “Research, research and research!” For the production design of “Alice!” Runco gathered every book of “Alice in Wonderland” that he could find, watched the animated movie a few times and then worked to design everything with a small-theater budget in mind. “We aim to get the most ‘pixie dust,’ emotion and bang for the buck,” he said.

One of the things Runco loves is seeing young audiences enthusiastically enjoying the shows. “We know we are creating some magical memories for them and perhaps even encouraging some of them to do theater or other creative jobs when they grow up.” The retired Imagineer, who spent 46 years creating magic for Disney, has had a chance to watch some of the rehearsals. “There are going to be some terrific, magical moments for everyone,” he said.

“Alice!” opens at 1367 N. St. Andrews Pl., Sun., Nov. 3, with additional performances Sundays Nov. 10, 17 and 24 at 2 p.m. For tickets, visit:

SET DESIGNER and former Disney Imagineer, Chris Runco.

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