NGA brings home the gold for local charities

AT THE FIRST NGA gala, post-pandemic, are, left to right: Kathleen Macomber, Beth Esrey, Stephanie Sourapas, Olivia Kazanjian, Marion Plato, Jennifer Kim and Kiel FitzGerald.
Skiers, gymnasts, sprinters, lugers, a rollerblader and even two Olympic torches (one real and one most definitely not) all showed up to support the Hancock Park NGA (National Giving Alliance) annual fundraiser at the Wilshire Country Club on May 14. The theme of this year’s gala, “The NGA Hancock Park Olympics,” was inspired by the need to highlight the members’ resilience and hope that guided them through the pandemic together. Special guest and Canadian bobsledder Alecia Beckford-Stewart (PyeongChang 2018) brought authenticity and support to the room, and she received a raucous ovation from all in attendance.

LIVE AUCTIONEER Steve Kazanjian commands the room while helping NGA raise funds during its 2022 Olympics-themed gala.
The Saturday night fundraiser, which raised $54,850 in sponsorships and another $62,000 in silent auction, live auction, paddle raises and raffle tickets, was the first time the group of 107 members and their friends and spouses had been able to celebrate in person since the beginning of the pandemic. Attendees enjoyed salad, steak, salmon and various desserts while they were entertained by local residents and auctioneers Olivia and Steve Kazanjian. The night ended with members hitting the dance floor to a live DJ who provided the laughter and the beat.
Throughout the year, the group of women who belong to NGA spend their time collecting, buying and distributing clothing and hygienic products to local agencies Alexandria House, Imagine LA, Uplift Family Services (Hollygrove), Good Shepherd Shelter, McIntyre House, Operation School Bell (Assistance League of Los Angeles) and Aviva.
Board members and event organizers, including Event Chairs Kiel FitzGerald and Megan Derry, Auction Chair Kathleen Macomber, Treasurer Shelagh Callahan, President Beverly Brown, Membership Chair Alexandria Dionne, Co-Project Chair Robin Chehrazi, Secretary Stephanie Johnson and Hospitality Chairs Stephanie Sourapas and Danielle Reyes, were all on hand to welcome members back to in-person celebrating. Spotted in the crowd were local residents and members Lisa O’Malley, Jennifer Kim, Jan Daley, Megan Drynan, Erin Garvan, Michaela Burschinger, Donna Econn, Julie Hoegee and Marion Plato.

NGA MEMBERS Sondi Toll Sepenuk, Julie Hoegee, Lisa O’Malley and Alex Dionne sport costumes that show their Olympics spirit.
Category: People