New Board ‘Reignites, Rebuilds’ in Junior League’s 97th year
The Junior League of Los Angeles (JLLA) marked 97 years of voluntarism with its annual change in leadership. Joy C. Williams is the new president.
The headquarters of JLLA is on Larchmont Boulevard. Over 800 women volunteer through the JLLA network, which has become a local mainstay for transition-aged foster youth and underserved students seeking higher education.
Williams, of Chatsworth, said her goal as president for the upcoming term is to continue strengthening JLLA’s programs. She has been a member since 2003 and said after the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic, she wants to go back to basics. The theme of 2022-2023 is Reignite, Rebuild and Reconnect.
Williams hopes to further the organization’s focus areas, which are addressing the needs of foster youth and underserved students. JLLA maintains partnerships with organizations including Friends LA, Happy Trails and United Friends of the Children.
This year, however, she said she wants put an even greater emphasis on exhibiting kindness and service.
“These two values should be our organization’s signature calling card,” Williams said. “They should define what it means to be a Junior Leaguer of Los Angeles through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging so all women feel seen, heard, valued and a sense of belonging.”
The dual mission of JLLA is to provide community service opportunities as a way to empower the women who volunteer. The organization offers itself as a supportive environment for women to make a positive impact while working on building civic leadership skills. About 100 new members joined during JLLA’s August registration period.
Williams said she was inspired to seek a term as president due to JLLA’s “It Starts With a Woman” campaign. The messaging emphasizes how collective work begins with individual women who decide to take action.
“The most important thing about our organization is our members because we are nothing without them,” Williams said. “We are stronger and better when we are together. As civic leaders engaged in our community we must collaborate to unify our voices to make the world a better place.”
The 2022-2023 Board of Directors includes: Katherine La Spada, president-elect; Linna Loangkote Oh, secretary; Leanna Wood, treasurer; and Marian Banning, Katherine Schellenberg Bell, Juliet Montgomery, Regan Templeton and Leticia Valadez.
JLLA is also overseen by a Management Council. More than 100 women are serving in the new leadership. New members of the Board of Directors and Management Council will serve through May of 2023.
Category: People