Marat Ballet search for new studio, home
The Marat Daukayev School of Ballet is being forced to vacate its studios at 731 S. La Brea Ave. after the property was sold last year to real estate firm Langdon Street Capital, which is reportedly repurposing the building as office space.
The ballet school — many of its 300 students live in the neighborhood — must leave by June 30, Pamela Daukayev told us.
“Because we serve children of all ages and skill levels, we need a space that is divisible into multiple studios. Finding such a space near our current location has proved a challenging task. Commercial real estate in Los Angeles is stratospherically expensive today, and spaces that meet our needs are hard to find,” she explained.
Since learning of the August 2018 sale, the Daukayevs have scoured the market in search of a new home.
A gofundme site has formed to help underwrite the cost of a move and maintaining classes in separate locations, while continuing their search for a permanent space.
June final performance
Final performances at the longtime La Brea studios will be in June. The advanced level students will perform on Sun., June 16 at 3:30 p.m. Performances for younger levels will take place on June 8, 9, and 15.
The troupe’s annual “Nutcracker” is still scheduled for December, and frequent guest ballerina Maria Kochetkova has signed on to dance the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy.
“Our talented, hard-working students have waited years to assume the roles they’re slated for this Christmas, and now it is time for them to take the stage,” Daukayev said.
Many of the students of the 19-year-old ballet studio have gone on to professional ballet careers. In addition, said Daukayev, “Marat Daukayev Ballet’s training teaches self-discipline and invaluable life skills, no matter what life path our students choose.”
Kirov ballet star
Marat Daukayev, Pamela’s husband, was a star of the Kirov Ballet for 20 years and was a teacher and coach to the company’s stars. He founded the local school together with his wife in 2001. The couple live in Windsor Square with their three children.
Many of the dancers the School has trained over the years have gone on to work in professional ballet companies and feeder schools around the world.
Every November and December, PBS television stations across America and around the world air the documentary “Getting to the Nutcracker” about the local ballet studio. (Also on Amazon at
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