Larchmont Bungalow civil, criminal cases both continued

BUNGALOW has been open without a certificate of occupancy since opening in 2009.
Criminal and civil cases in the city vs. the Larchmont Bungalow, 107 N. Larchmont, were both continued last month to July and September in L.A. Superior Court.
In the civil case Judge Suzanne Brughera continued the case to Tues., July 22. It was scheduled to be heard June 16. Judge Brughera “continued it due to her calendar,” a public information officer said. The city won the civil case in December 2011, but two outstanding causes of action remained: violation of equal protection and violation of civil rights.
Those were resolved earlier this year, but before Judge Bruguera signed off on the judgment, the defendant filed a motion for reconsideration, said Kim Westoff, deputy city attorney. Criminal case Meanwhile, the criminal case was set to be heard in court on June 17 with Judge Henry Barela.
“The court continued the case again, over my objection,” said Serena Christion, deputy city attorney City attorneys argue the owner of the eatery, Albert Mizrahi, violated a signed covenant, promising he would not have tables and chairs at the licensed take–out. Bungalow owners sued the city after it revoked its certificate of occupancy and building permit shortly after opening in September 2009.
Mizrahi’s attorney alleges he is being discriminated against as other take-outs on the boulevard have tables and chairs. Sit-down rstaurants are limited on Larchmont per city zoning laws.
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