Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce hears TV City pitch
At its March 9 meeting, approximately 40 members and guests of the Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce made their ways through the busy hallways of the historic CBS Television City to a sound stage all decked out for lunch. With large posters and a video screen on two sides and a buffet on the third, the attendees heard from the new owners and developers of the historic 25 acres surrounded by The Grove, the Original Farmers Market, Fairfax Avenue, Beverly Boulevard and the Broadcast Center Apartment project (with its Erewhon Market).

ON A SOUND STAGE at the historic CBS Television City, members and guests of the Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce heard from Hackman Capital Partners senior vice president Zach Sokoloff (speaking), accompanied by Brian Glodney and Lisa Trifiletti.Hackman Capital Partners senior vice president Zach Sokoloff and others described the “TVC Plan,” the company’s proposal to obtain approval from the City of Los Angeles for a Specific Plan for the property that Hackman purchased from CBS Corporation in late 2018.
The Draft Environmental Report for the project is being revised to address comments received about Hackman’s plan that would allow buildings with heights up to approximately 20 stories as well as sound stage, office and other uses.
A main thrust of the presentation that preceded extended walking tours of the existing studio facilities was the developers’ rebuttal to concerns raised in opposition to its proposals by local community groups such as Neighbors for Responsible TVC Development, as reported in last month’s Larchmont Chronicle.
Joining those in presenting the TVC 2050 case were Hackman Capital Partners executive vice president for development and planning Brian Glodney and consultant Lisa Trifiletti, whose firm is providing management of the city approval process and community outreach.
Category: Real Estate