Gifts, donations sought for St. Brendan toy drive

SANTA CLAUS, aka Patrick Kelley of Rossmore Ave., shown last year, will return to spread good cheer, and toys at the event.
Children living at Alexandria House, and St. Anne’s Social Service Agency and the Adopt-a-Family program are among recipients of this year’s holiday toy drive sponsored by St. Brendan Catholic Church.
“We are in need of new, unwrapped toys and $25 Target gift cards,” said Stacy Herman, event co-chair along with Nancy Muller. “Both are greatly appreciated, since in many cases, they are the only gift children and their families receive for Christmas.”
Alexandria House is a non-profit transitional residence for women and children. St. Anne’s provides services to at-risk teenage girls and young women, their children and families. The Adopt a Family program helps families living near Skid Row.
Donations can be dropped off through Fri., Dec. 13 at St. Brendan Church at 310 S. Van Ness Ave. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Students from St. Brendan School will speak at masses at the church to appeal for donations, and will also volunteer at Alexandria House’s holiday festivities, Herman said.
The toy drive parties are on Sat., Dec. 14. Activities include gift distribution, a visit from Santa—played by Patrick Kelley, Rossmore Ave., lunch and Christmas carols. Volunteers are needed to help out at both parties. Contact
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