Film of ‘Getting to (Marat’s) Nutcracker’ is on pointe

| March 28, 2013 | 0 Comments
SCENE FROM last season’s production are in the film.

SCENE FROM last season’s production are in the film.

Years of rehearsals, car pools and ballet slippers are often endured before a young dancer lands a role in the famed Nutcracker. A behind-the-scenes look at Miracle-Mile based Marat Daukayev School of Ballet is captured in “Getting to The Nutcracker.”

The documentary is in its early stages with hours of film footage showing local boys and girls ages 3 to 18 and their families from auditions to last season’s final performance.

A fundraiser is underway to raise $150,000 (deadline is Tues., April 30) to pay to edit, score, mix, finish and secure distribution for the film produced and directed by Serene Meshel-Dilman. She was inspired by a book that followed students at the School of American Ballet. A former dancer at SAB, she is a commercial TV producer.

Casting, rehearsals and staging of the local troupe, led by former Kirov dancer Marat, are captured by cinematographer Arseni Khachaturan.

In all, 150 area children are featured in a performance last December that was shot in the documentary.
Photo stills, T-shirts and posters are available. To make a pledge and for more information visit  and click Kickstarter project/film trailer.

Marat finalists to perform at Music Center

Nine children from the Marat Daukayev School will dance at the Salon of Los Angeles Philanthropic Committee for the Arts at the Music Center on Mon., April 15. The guest of honor is dance patron Glorya Kaufman. Students who will perform are recent finalists in the Youth America Grand Prix competition.

They are: Adam Bernstein, Olivia Brothers, Emma Daukayev, Elizabeth Del Rosario, Eli Gruska, Matisse Love, Callahan Porter, Judith No and Stella Zuniga.
The event is open to non-members. The ticket price is $95.

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