Electronic sign removal makes way for monument at John Burroughs Middle School
Obsolete and, in some people’s minds, an eyesore, the electronic sign on the lawn of John Burroughs Middle School at 6th St. and McCadden Place is gone. “The sign was from the 80s,” said Joanne Medeiros, Hancock Park Homeowners Association (HPHOA) board member and part of the team that planned and implemented an ongoing beautification project at John Burroughs as well as Third Street Elementary School.

GOOD RIDDANCE. The sign was removed.
“It doesn’t go with the building’s architecture, nor does it serve a purpose. Everyone’s gone digital and we all communicate through technology.”
In its place, she envisions a brick monument bearing the school’s name and year it was established—1924. Around it will be a landscaped area and benches with plaques sponsored by area residents that bear quotes from key innovators of the last 10 years like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
She believes the beautification project outside reflects what is going on inside the school. Over the past couple of years, the school grounds were extensively landscaped. Full-grown trees were installed to provide shade and highlight the architecture of the school. Benches were put in, and a reading garden added. “We’ve also improved the entire parking lot and obliterated the chain link fence along Wilshire with greens and flowers.
Since then, said Medeiros, test scores have continued to rise and attendance is up.
As for the latest project, “That corner is the first thing people see when they come into the neighborhood,” said Medeiros. “This is all about honoring the school’s historic legacy and keeping our neighborhood special.”
Tax-deductible donations for the ongoing project can be made by check to: John Burroughs Middle School Beautification Project, c/o Principal Steve Martinez, 600 S. McCadden Place, 90005.
Category: Schools