Council chair aims to increase turnout for fall election
Recruiting candidates for the upcoming general election for 45 seats on the Mid-City West Community Council (MCWCC) is a goal of newly elected chairman Tim Deegan.
Deegan, director of guest services at the L.A. County Museum of Art, as served on the Council for three years, most recently as vice chair of the Transportation, Parking and Streetscape Committee.
The Fall election is a priority and goal number one for the new chairman. “The elections committee has nine meetings scheduled between now and the election on Nov. 15, and will develop an outreach program to try to get two candidates for each of the seats, and to increase voter turnout by 150 percent over last time.”
Other ongoing projects Deegan will lead the Council on include a trolley that would serve the Miracle Mile area, neighborhood-enhancing projects and programs at local schools. He also plans to address distractions on the Council regarding procedural issues.
“I’ve asked all board members to become familiar with what I call the five foundation documents,” said Deegan. They include by laws, Robert’s Rules of Order, the Brown Act, the MCW Code of Civility and the LA City Code of Ethics. “Many procedural issues relate to unclear understanding of one of these five documents,” he explained.
He also plans to initiate an operational objective called the “Three D’s”: decentralize power so more board members are part of the conversation and the decision making, delegate responsibility for talks to more board members, and direct constituent service.
“We are there to serve the stakeholders in the community,” said Deegan, who took over the helm from Sheryl Turner, who will remain a board member.
Michael Barba was elected first vice chair and Leslie Barnett as second vice chair. The new secretary is Jeff Jacobberger; Angela Guzman was named treasurer.
Deegan took over the helm from Sheryl Turner, who will remain a board member.
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