Assistance League is here to help, said new president Flo Fowkes

Since 1919, the Assistance League of Los AngelesA has been improving the quality of life for at-risk children, families and seniors through programs that provide services to those most in need.
Its founder, Anne Banning, was honored at a celebration in January that included a champagne reception, buffet lunch, guest speaker and fundraising boutique.
In attendance was the organization’s new president, Flo Fowkes, Windsor Square.
Fowkes has been involved with the League for years since her younger daughter, Jillian, was an Assisteen. One of the programs of the League, Assisteens teaches teenagers community service through both fundraising and hands-on projects.
Fowkes also served on the board of Operation School Bell for many years, and has helped out with other League activities. Her community service earned her selection as a Larchmont Chronicle Woman of the Year in 2012.
Her goal as president is to make sure that people know about the Assistance League, and that when they think about organizations that make a real difference. “Assistance League is at the top of the list,” said Fowkes.
“We sometimes joke that the League is the best kept secret in town. The reality is that we have been the anchor for the community since 1919. Whether it’s improving a child’s ability to get a good education, ensuring the dignity and independence of our seniors, or healing families struggling with domestic violence, we have always been there for our city’s most vulnerable,” she added.
She invites others to join the League’s members, volunteers, supporters and donors. “Not only will they be doing good, but they will be part of a vibrant, fun and dedicated group that makes a difference.” For membership and volunteer information, go to
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