Archive for December, 2020

Finding hope in small things that can hold greatness
Last month, the City of Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission recommended that the City Council designate the former print studio of Sister Mary Corita Kent, the “Pop Art Nun,” as an Historic-Cultural Monument — thus ending the year with a ray of hope. With all the challenges that our fair city has endured in the […]

Opening date moved to the fall for the Academy Museum
If you’re anticipating a visit to see the Bruce the Shark exhibit from the movie “Jaws” hanging over the escalators at the new Academy Museum, 6067 Wilshire Blvd., you will have to wait a little while longer. The opening date has been pushed back to Sept. 30. Originally scheduled to open last month, the opening […]

Ko brings Bespoke Beauty to Larchmont
Makeup maven Toni Ko may have made her fortune in cosmetics, but she is also in the business of happiness. She painted her Bespoke Beauty Brands building, 320 N. Larchmont Blvd., a pastel shade reflective of her brand. “Pink is a happy color,” she says. And, in case anyone misses the subliminal message, she added […]

Chronicle to publish souvenir edition for Larchmont centennial in 2021
This upcoming September is Larchmont Village’s 100th anniversary, and the Larchmont Chronicle will be publishing a special “Souvenir Collector’s Edition.” This will be only the second such edition, following our coverage of the 50th anniversary in 1971. The theme of the 50th anniversary commemorative edition was “From Barley Fields to Affluent Suburb,” a closer look […]

A quick trip through Los Angeles history with Wayne Ratkovich, Part II
Last month, the Larchmont Chronicle featured the first half of a talk that Windsor Square resident, and “famous real estate developer,” Wayne Ratkovich presented to the Auxiliary of the Hospital of the Good Samaritan in the spring of last year. Also last month, Wayne received another accolade, being honored on December 8 by the USC […]