Archive for July, 2020

On Books and Places: Some statues are worth saving; some people worth remembering
A statue of Haym Salomon resides on the southeast corner of Pan Pacific Park. As I write this column, the bronze figure sits barricaded by a chain link fence and construction activity on Third Street. It’s visible as one drives west towards Farmers Market, but few will now walk near the statue through the surrounding […]

Economic crisis requires more federal assistance
It is now August, and the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic — rather than tapering down to a manageable level — has exploded in Los Angeles and communities across the United States. Along with a public health crisis that has taken the lives of tens of thousands of Americans, we are experiencing an economic […]

410 N. Rossmore residents feel pressure of ‘buy-out’
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to plague the City of Los Angeles, a group of Hancock Park residents in a rent-controlled apartment building say that they feel pressured from their new landlord to take a buy-out offer, with no other information available to them. To learn more, the Chronicle joined a group of six residents […]

Westlake Theatre’s crown jewels were talk of Foundation
The morning of July 11, the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation (LAHTF) hosted “Coffee and Conversation” (online, of course). The subject was the Westlake Theatre, located on Alvarado St. at the edge of MacArthur Park. LAHTF members Tiffany Mitsche, David Saffer, Mike Hume and Anthony Caldwell highlighted the crown jewels of the property that include […]

Kari Garcia strives to keep us all safe
You will survive. Whether it’s an earthquake, a robbery or some other crisis, Kari Garcia wants you to know there are tools and neighbors to help and there are all sorts of ways to be prepared. Oh, and the next big earthquake, it’s not biding its time waiting for a vaccine against the coronavirus. “The […]

Edie Frère reflects on her years on Larchmont
Edie Frère has been a fixture in the Larchmont community for most of her life. She grew up in homes on Third Avenue in Wilshire Park and McCadden Place in Hancock Park, has lived for many years on Las Palmas Avenue in Hancock Park, and this coming October will celebrate the 30th anniversary of her […]