2019 Chronicle sealed for posterity, or 99 years on

NEWSPAPERS from the 1920s found in the wall inspired the homeowner to do the same.
The April 2019 issue of the Larchmont Chronicle has been sealed for posterity or at least another 99 years, give or take.
Alysoun Higgins hid the copy inside the walls of her 1911 Craftsman home in the Wilton Historic District.

IN 1920, the “Los Angeles Daily Times” included an announcement of the auction of a two-story Spanish architecture home at 832 S. St. Andrews Place for $50,000.
She was inspired by two nearly-100-year-old newspapers she discovered when remodeling her master bathroom — a 1921 copy of the “Los Angeles Evening Express” and a 1920 edition of the “Los Angeles Daily Times.”
“They are definitely readable, but fragile,” Higgins told us.
Before resealing and closing up the walls of her remodeled bathroom, she left behind the recent issue of the Chronicle.
“Maybe in 99 years someone will discover it just like we did,” said Higgins, who shares her home with husband Al and their three daughters.
A member of the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society, Higgins is also a member of the Friends of Wilshire Branch Library. She called Central Library downtown to see if they wanted the archive issues. They already had both copies digitized, they told her.

“LOS ANGELES Evening Express” featured “Elaborate Evening Gown Wins Praise” with a photograph of a fashionable flapper.
The “Los Angeles Daily Times” included an announcement of an auction of a two-story Spanish architecture home at 832 S. St. Andrews Place for $50,000 and its “wondrous furnishings.”
The “Los Angeles Evening Express” front page featured “Bill Finds Jailed Men Dissatisfied Despite [Sheriff] Traeger’s Efforts to Please.” There was also an article teaching housewives to “Learn the New Way to Cook — by steam under pressure” and “Elaborate Evening Gown Wins Praise” with a photograph of a fashionable flapper.
What stories were featured on the front page of the April 2019 issue of the Larchmont Chronicle for future readers to peruse?
Summer camps for kids, historic status considered for Tom Bergin’s Bar and Restaurant, and Ladies Professional Golf Association returning to the Wilshire Country Club were among those offerings.
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