Archive for November, 2014

Real Estate Sales for October 2014
Real Estate Sales* Single family homes 424 S. Rimpau Blvd. 226 S. Rimpau Blvd. 129 N. Van Ness Ave. 269 S. Irving Blvd. 613 S. Mansfield Ave. 129 N. Norton Ave. 543 N. June St. 525 N. Citrus Ave. 500 N. Gower St. 915 S. Victoria Ave. 906 S. Victoria Ave. 907 Westchester Pl. 330 […]

Miracle Mile Run down Wilshire Blvd. on Dec. 6
The Miracle Mile Run—a one-mile race on Wilshire Blvd. sponsored by city councilman Tom LaBonge—is free and open to all ages. Registration and check-in for the event, which begins at the intersection of Wilshire Blvd. and Orange Dr., begins at 6:30 a.m. It runs down the middle of Wilshire Blvd. starting at 7 a.m. Billed […]

Highland Avenue to close for resurfacing
Highland Ave. from Melrose Ave. to Wilshire Blvd. will be closed for repaving on two consecutive weekends. Southbound lanes will be closed on Sat., Nov. 8 and Sun., Nov. 9, beginning at 7 a.m. The following weekend, Sat., Nov. 15 and Sun., Nov. 16, work will be performed on the northbound lanes. According to the […]