Tag: Windsor Square Historic Preservation Overlay Zone

Ridgewood Place, a lost gem and overlooked subdivision
As we continue with our exploration of the undesignated historic districts of Greater Wilshire, our next stop is the SurveyLA identified Ridgewood Place Residential Historic District. This shady lane wedged between the Windsor Square Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) and the Wilton Historic District is a single-family residential neighborhood that includes lots on both sides […]

Will an historic ranch house on Plymouth Blvd. finally be reborn?
It seems that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for the forlorn one-story house on the southeast corner of Third Street and Plymouth Boulevard. At the Nov. 17 board meeting of the Windsor Square HPOZ, the proposed plans for the restoration and expansion of 304 S. Plymouth Blvd. were approved, […]

Windsor Square HPOZ woefully needs updating
Blame it on an outdated Preservation Plan. Some 10 years ago when the 1,110-home enclave of Windsor Square was in the process of becoming an historic zone, a “vocal minority” was against it. To appease the property-rights critics, the Preservation Plan—a blueprint for the area’s Historic Preservation Overlay Zone—was crafted with a broad interpretation. “Now […]