Tag: Los Angeles Public Library

Stained glass panels honor alumni at Memorial library
Learn about the historic stained glass window panels and make holiday cards at Memorial branch library, 4625 W. Olympic Blvd. Hear artist David Judson of Judson Studios talk about the branch’s stained glass window panels, which commemorate 20 Los Angeles High School alumni who died in World War I, Sat., Dec. 1 at 1 p.m. […]

APRIL 5: Conservancy looks ahead to next 40 years
The Los Angeles Conservancy is not resting on its laurels but looking ahead — to the next 40 years — in a panel discussion Thurs., April 5 at the Los Angeles Central Library. It was the library’s proposed demolition four decades ago that inspired the Conservancy’s formation. The event, “The Future of Preservation in Los Angeles; […]

Libraries team up with Dodgers for reading challenge
Los Angeles Public Library and the Los Angeles Dodgers want people to read more this summer. The library is launching its summer reading challenge, “Reading by Design,” emphasizing expanding imagination, learning, exploration and creativity through reading. Patrons of all ages can sign up at lapl.org/summer, or by visiting a local branch. Participants are asked to […]

Literary talks continue at Chevalier’s Books
Chevalier’s Books, 76 years strong on Larchmont, had more than a dozen book signings and similar events during the month of August. More events are scheduled this and every month. For the schedule, visit chevaliersbooks.com. Two of the August events had ties to the local community. Stephen Gee, writer of “Los Angeles Central Library, A […]

New book on preservation of Los Angeles Central Library
Stephen Gee, writer of “Los Angeles Central Library, A History of its Art and Architecture,” will present a short illustrated talk about the book and the library Mon., Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. at Chevalier’s Books at 126 N. Larchmont Blvd. Mr. Gee will stay to sign books. For further information, call Chevalier’s at 323-465-1334. […]

Menus detail history of eating habits
Two hundred menus from Los Angeles restaurants, some dating back to the 19th century, are in “To Live and Dine in L.A.: Menus and the Making of a Modern City.” The 222-page book by Josh Kun features menus from the extensive collection of the Los Angeles Public Library. As Kun writes, “Menus help us understand […]