Tag: Los Angeles High School

Fairfax High celebrates its 100th year
Festivities will take place Sept. 6 to 8 Fairfax High School opened its doors 100 years ago. It was originally designed to be a mechanical and agricultural school focusing on practical skills — a bit ironic, it would seem, seeing as (according to Fairfax High’s website) the school was poshly named after Lord Fairfax of Colonial America […]

Brookside and the varied, winding paths to preservation
Last month, we began a report on the possible creation of additional historic districts in the Greater Wilshire area — [“Room to Grow?: Preserving not-yet-designated historic districts”]. Let us begin our exploration of the undesignated historic districts of Greater Wilshire with a closer look at what SurveyLA refers to as the Wilshire Crest – Mullen […]

Bert Lane, 95: Helped build a YMCA and a local baseball field
Bert Lane was a familiar face in the neighborhood, from overseeing a popular summertime baseball field on Second Street to helping raise millions of dollars for the Hollywood / Wilshire YMCA. For two decades he joined dignitaries such as Mayor Tom Bradley, Councilman John […]

Schools recommence in-person graduation ceremonies
During a year unlike most, seniors, their families and school officials worked together to create commencement ceremonies that were safe, hopeful and properly acknowledged the accomplishments of the class of 2021. • • • Immaculate Heart High School, class of 1991 graduate, Tyra Banks, addressed 108 seniors Wed., June 2 at the Hollywood Bowl. Banks […]

Dean, professor, director of law library among speakers
USC history and accounting professor Jacob Soll and associate dean and director of the law library at Gould School of Law Pauline Aranas are two of the speakers addressing graduating seniors this month. Valedictorians, salutatorians, school heads and special presentations from senior classes are included in some of the other local ceremonies. Priscilla Sands, head […]

Stained glass panels honor alumni at Memorial library
Learn about the historic stained glass window panels and make holiday cards at Memorial branch library, 4625 W. Olympic Blvd. Hear artist David Judson of Judson Studios talk about the branch’s stained glass window panels, which commemorate 20 Los Angeles High School alumni who died in World War I, Sat., Dec. 1 at 1 p.m. […]