Tag: Los Angeles Boy Scout Troop 10
Brooksiders join hundreds to help, one sandwich at a time
Every Sunday morning, Brookside resident Nanci Leonard spreads peanut butter and jelly on slices of bread. She makes 10 sandwiches, and she places each one in a bag with a snack, a drink and a note. Leonard likes to include inspirational quotes by Charlie Brown or Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, among others. Some […]
Los Angeles Boy Scout Troop 10 recalls early days of the unit
Boy Scout Troop 10 scouts and troop leaders will recall milestones in the history of the group at its 100-year anniversary celebration on Sat., May 3 at 4 p.m. at St. James’ Parish Hall, 3903 Wilshire Blvd. There have been more than 20 troop scoutmasters, and the longest serving was Jack “Hampy” Hampton from 1926 […]
Los Angeles Boy Scout Troop 10 seeks former members to attend its centennial celebration
Members of Troop 10 are seeking former Boy Scouts and adult leaders to celebrate the local group’s centennial May 3 at St. James’ Parish Hall. The oldest continuously sponsored Boy Scout troop in the U.S., it is sponsored by St. James’ Episcopal Church, located at the corner of Wilshire Blvd. and St. Andrews Pl. Over […]