Tag: Immaculate Heart

Graduates elucidate upon their college choices and aspirations
Sifting through pressure and remaining authentic Ruby Dunsworth has lived in Brookside her whole life, but, as of August, she’ll be moving to Vancouver, British Columbia, to attend Langara College. The Immaculate Heart senior plans to study at Langara for one or two years before transferring to the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Vancouver campus. […]

Bittersweet end to high school; seniors head off to college
Immaculate Heart will graduate 123 young women on Tues., June 4, at 8 p.m. under the stage lights at the Hollywood Bowl. Immaculate Heart is only one of two schools allowed this honor at the Bowl.Commencement speaker Lucie Arnaz is no stranger to the stage. The daughter of actors Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, she’s […]