Tag: Home Ground
M.F.K. Fisher writer in residence in the neighborhood
The writer M.F.K. Fisher (1908-1992) seems to be best remembered as a “food” writer, known especially for celebrating the terroir and everyday triumphs of the gastronomy of Provence. But there is much more to her life, and much more to the writer about whom W.H. Auden in 1963 said: “I do not know of anyone […]
Cisco Kid ‘was a friend of mine,’ and other recollections . . .
The west side of Raleigh Studios, facing Bronson Avenue between Clinton and Melrose, never fails to fascinate. I walk by it in the early morning and admire its tongue-and-groove construction (though there is some stucco on the section just north of Clinton) and its intriguing fenestration: 31 windows on the upper story and 40 on […]