Tag: Historic Preservation Overlay Zone

Councilman Soto-Martinez: Use preservation to protect our treasures
The historic upset victory over incumbent Councilman Mitch O’Farrell by political newcomer Hugo Soto-Martinez reverberated not only throughout Council District 13, but in City Hall and the historic preservation community as well. A changing of the guard at City Hall always is concerning to those of us who work to preserve and protect the rich […]

On Preservation: Sacramento strikes back: with the many sons of failed SB 50
There is a maxim in politics that states, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” a saying currently being amply exploited by our legislature in Sacramento. Under the cover of a global pandemic and civil unrest, once again State Sen. Scott Wiener, the maestro of failed SB 50, is trying to foist dodgy housing […]

On Preservation: Historic preservation protects affordable neighborhoods
Looking for things to do during the recent coronavirus pandemic lockdown that fell upon the city mid-March, I came upon the Los Angeles Conservancy’s recent study entitled “Preservation Positive Los Angeles.” The study was released at one of the final gatherings of the season, on March 5, at the 1928 Art Deco-style gem, the Trust […]

On Preservation: Of log cabins and lost heritage in our communities
In early January, a controversy broke out between the cities of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood over the preservation of one of the unlikeliest monuments. In deciding to cash in on the flurry of development that is taking place up and down the small stretch of Robertson Blvd. in West Hollywood, between Santa Monica and […]

On Preservation: Tragedy on Citrus tells of loss of ‘memory, continuity and identity’
Few names in the recent memory of our neighborhood have fallen further into ignominy than that of Reuven Gradon, who through mendacious flattery and lies purchased the Tudor gem of a home formerly located at 361 N. Citrus Avenue and then promptly carried out its demolition. He also made the decision to forego the statutory […]

Preservation update for Windsor Square: Hearing on May 6
In advance of updating the city’s guidelines for the Windsor Square Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ), the first of two open house sessions took place April 29 at Marlborough School. The second open house will be Mon., May 6, at 6 p.m., also at Marlborough School, 250 N. Rossmore Ave. Following the open house, the […]