Tag: Harold A. Henry Park

Historic bronze statue stolen from park
Local theft is part of an alarming trend Residents of Windsor Village recently discovered that a sculpture of the late councilman Harold A. Henry has been stolen from a park named in his honor. The bust had stood for more than 50 years upon its pedestal at the park, which sits on a peaceful stretch of […]

Windsor Villagers rally for their park
In mid-April, the Windsor Village Association (WVA) hosted a weekend morning park trash clean-up at Harold A. Henry Park. Over the course of an hour and a half, residents filled more than 30 bags — 55 gallons each — with trash, pine needles, pine cones, etc. Volunteers from throughout Windsor Village worked on the project. […]

Hugh Wilton remembers ‘the jungle’
Hugh Wilton was five years old when his family moved across the street from the Wood family compound, the present-day Harold A. Henry Park in Windsor Village. (See Oct. 2020 Larchmont Chronicle story in Section 2, Page 8.) Wilton remembers playing with neighborhood kids in what they called “the jungle,” an overgrown area that was […]

New water-wise plants and trees for Harold A. Henry Park
Visitors to Harold A. Henry Park may notice some fenced- off areas throughout the park, but the fences should be no cause for concern. Instead, great new beginnings are ahead for our beloved park. The fences are protecting new plantings put in by the City of Los Angeles’ Dept. of Recreation and Parks (RAP). Last […]

Natives adorn landscape at Harold Henry Park renovation
Senecio, ceanothus, picture sage, Mexican snowballs, bladderpods, and yerba buena are just some of the drought-tolerant and California native plants that will be calling the renovated Harold A. Henry Park home and graciously adorning its freshly manicured grounds. Although the overall concept of the park, including its site configuration and spaces, remain the same, the […]