Jane Gilman
Jane Gilman's Latest Posts

Jill Bauman helps families exit homelessness with ‘Imagine’
Jill Bauman is passionate about solving family homelessness. Seated in her art-lined and book-filled living room, Bauman recounts the road to becoming head of Imagine LA, the non-profit agency that is using creative methods to remedy the homeless dilemma. Born in Pasadena and raised in Santa Barbara, she briefly lived on June St. Bauman graduated […]

‘Taste of Larchmont’ to celebrate Los Angeles Rams return
Can’t decide where to eat on Larchmont? Hope-Net has the answer. Sample food from 13 food establishments on the boulevard at the 24th annual “Taste of Larchmont” on Mon., Aug. 29 from 6 to 9 p.m. The theme, “Kickoff on Larchmont,” salutes the return of the Los Angeles Rams to the city and members of […]

A magic candy bar saved Holocaust survivor Leon Prochnik
Many six-year-olds have an imaginary playmate, but Leon had an imaginary chocolate bar named Milka, a talisman that he turned to in time of trouble. The Holocaust survivor fled with his family from Poland in 1940 when the Nazis overtook the country and started rounding up and killing Jews. The young boy was convinced that […]

Mark Brooks steps down as head of Pilgrim School
June will be the final month of Mark Brooks’ leadership at Pilgrim School. The head of school for the past 11 years, he will be taking the same position at the Center for Early Education (CEE). “In the years Brooks has served as Pilgrim’s head of school, our programs and academic offerings have soared to […]

Pilgrim grateful for Larry Brown’s contributions
Stepping down is not something Laurence “Larry” Brown does. But, after 40 years of commitment to Pilgrim School, he is retiring from the Governing Board. School officials will testify that the Windsor Square resident is known for stepping up as a philanthropist and leader. He helped raise $12 million for Phase 1 of the Field […]

Coffee Bean, others to close, Hawaiian sushi to open
A new food establishment is coming to Larchmont, and a coffee shop and two clothing stores are leaving. Albert Mizrahi is opening Poke (pronounced Pokay) Dock at 150 N. Larchmont Blvd. in the near future. A new form of sushi, the Hawaiian specialty has been served on tables throughout Los Angeles within the last year. […]