Archive for September, 2018

Real Estate Sales
Real Estate Sales Single-family homes 647 S. Hudson Ave. 601 S. Windsor Blvd. 147 S. Plymouth Blvd. 115 N. Van Ness Ave. 204 S. Plymouth Blvd. 245 S. Irving Blvd. 538 N. Citrus Ave. 451 N. Orange Dr. 520 S. Norton Ave. 823 Longwood Ave. 508 S. Van Ness Ave. 964 Muirfield Rd. 301 S. […]

New director reaching out to HopeNet food pantries
Levi Webb has taken over the reins at HopeNet, which supports food pantries, hot meals and more at 12 area congregations. The Salt Lake City, Utah native started in his new post as executive director Aug. 20. His first order of business is reinvigorating the program and reaching out to the faith- based food pantry […]

Come on down to a country-fair style festival at Farmers Market
Have country-fair fun at the Fall Festival at the Original Farmers Market, 6333 W. Third St., Sat., Oct. 13 and Sun., Oct. 14. There will be a pie-eating contest, a petting zoo, pedal tractor pulls and pig races. There will be a pumpkin patch and game zone and arts and crafts for kids. Visitors can […]

‘Legacies of Lucerne’ is Society homes tour Oct. 14
Six stately homes on South Lucerne Boulevard will be open during the Windsor Square – Hancock Park Historical Society Home Tour on Sun., Oct. 14 from 1 to 5 p.m. Entertainment, antique cars, food, refreshments and a silent auction will be offered at the event, “Legacies of Lucerne.” The homes, in Windsor Square between Fourth […]

Welcome fall at Harvest Carnival at Hancock Park Elementary
Everyone is welcome at Hancock Park Elementary School’s Harvest Carnival at the school, 408 S. Fairfax Ave., on Sat., Oct. 6 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities include a euro bungee, giant slide, corn maze, petting zoo and carnival games. “We will also have arts and crafts, including pumpkin decorating, face painting, hair coloring […]

Show support for a city landmark — vote early and often
My friend Tom Mayes, deputy general counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in 2013 was a recipient of the Rome Prize, awarded yearly by the American Academy in Rome to emerging artists and scholars who represent the highest standards of excellence in art and architecture. (Our own local residents Bill Fain and Elizabeth […]